China to Taiwan - Certification for Safe Transport of Chemical Goods
Name of Goods | Fragrance |
Inspection Methods and Procedures 檢查方法、程序 |
UN "Recommendations on the TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOOD" 聯合國《危險貨物運輸的建議書》 |
Appearance & Odor 樣品外觀與形狀 |
Yellow transparent liquid, characteristic odor 黃色透明液體,特殊氣味 |
Transport Information |
1. Hazards Identification |
Comment 備註 | None |
Item 鑒定項目 |
Conclusion 鑒定結果 |
Determination of Explosives 爆炸危險性鑒定 |
The substance presents no explosive hazard. |
Determination of Flammability 易燃危險性鑒定 |
In the closed-cup flash point test, fp > 80℃, so the substance does not belong to flammable liquid. 經測試,閉杯閃點 > 80度,表明該貨物不屬3類易燃液體。 |
Determination of Oxidizing Substances |
The substance does not belong to oxidizing substances. |
Determination of Toxic & Infectious Substances 毒害危險性鑒定 |
The substance does not belong to toxic substances. |
Determination of Radioactive Materials 放射危險性鑒定 |
The substance does not belong to Radioactive Material. |
Determination of Corrosives 腐蝕危險性鑒定 |
The substance does not belong to Corrosives. |
Determination of other Dangerous Properties 其他危險性鑒定 |
The substance is slightly irritant to eyes and skin, avoid eyes and skin contact. 該貨物對眼睛及皮膚稍有刺激性,避免眼睛、皮膚直接接觸。 |
1. transparent [træns'pɛərənt] (adj.) 透明的
2. hazard ['hæzəd] (n.) 危險;危險物:危險源 (v.) 使遭危險;冒...的危險
3. ordinary ['ɔrdnerɪ] (adj.) 普通的、平凡的、平常的
4. flammability [ˌflæmə'biləti] (n.) 易燃、可燃性 / flammable ['flæməbl] (adj.) 易燃的、可燃性的
5. oxidizing 氧化
6. toxic ['tɑksik] (adj.) 有毒的、中毒的
7. infectious [in'fekʃəs] (adj.) 傳染的;有傳染性的 、有感染力的、易傳染的
8. radioactive ['reidiəu'æktiv] (adj.) 放射性的、有輻射能的
9. corrosive [kə'rəusiv] (adj.) 腐蝕性的 (n.) 腐蝕物、腐蝕劑
10. irritant ['iritənt] (adj.) 刺激的、刺激性的 (n.) 刺激物、刺激劑